Monday, 11 August 2014

The Last Bastard

Just finished the music for an awesome independent film called The Last Bastard, which will be hitting the festival circuit sometime in the next couple of months. It is a dark tale, based on a true story, of a couple who run a foster home in the 70's. Let's just say that someone should have kept a little closer eye on what they were up to.

Anyways,  scoring it was a great experience. I had the opportunity to work with, and record, a child singer named Aidan, singing a version of a traditional Scottish folk song called The Three Crows. It was his first experience being recorded, and he rose to the occasion like a true pro, taking direction extremely well, and turning in a performance that will please his mother and surely raise a few hairs on the backs of viewer's necks.

Here's a photo from the recording session:

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